Once upon a time a long time ago, I used to be a fan of Alex Wright's artwork. Time passed and now I am merely a HUGE fan of Alex Wright's artwork! Alex himself too, actually.
I passed on some samples of his work to Roy Thomas and it resulted in a 1943 calendar for the prozine Alter Ego a few years back. He did some more work for Roy in Alter Ego but for the original hook-up, he asked me if I'd like him to do a cover for me.
I thought about it for a long time, roughly 3 seconds and said yes! I picked one of my favorite covers from the Golden Age of comics: All Star 19 from way back in 1943. Alex did more than justice to the original by Joe Gallagher and it adorns my office to the envy of all who see it.
Hope you like it as much as I do and thanks again, Alex!
(p.s.--although Alex gifted me with a copy of this, it is still his work so don't use it without his permission.)