Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Proper Respect...

This is a Comic Book Foldee.  Fold 'em so the top part connects with another bottom and hilarity ensues.
Came out in 1966, when DC was in the midst of their silver age revival of golden age characters.  Not the 're-imagined' characters, I'm speaking of the original guys making a comeback.  The first was the Golden Age Jay Garrick, the Flash.  Lotsa trumpet blowing and ballyhoo later, the whole Justice Society of America  is back on the scene.  They interact with the Justice League and everyone is happy.
To get these great time-honored icons some extra exposure, DC put some of them on their swag.
In order to give the first cross-over character his just props, they gave him a great reference:
Old Flash.
Yeah, I'd scowl too Jay.

But at least you didn't get the Saturn Girl treatment:

Nothing amiss, you say?
Try the folding trick, it reads "Saturn Girl  The Pig"
Where's Matter-Eater-Lad when ya need him?


  1. These were my favorite things when I was seven! The art, by the way, is by the great Wally Wood.

  2. Cool! Where did these originally come from? Even if it's only Saturn Girl, love it. LLL
